Folk Tales occupy an important place in Tibetan literature and often enrich the genre with their flavor and originality. But folk tales have remained unwritten and unrecorded. As such these fascinating tales have remained stored in the memories and were transmitted orally from generation to generation. In the process, a folk tale undergoes numerous changes, both gaining and losing a lot of their flavor. They are delightful nevertheless and never cease to surprise us with their store of princesses and witches: dogs and demons and frogs and mirgos intermingled in an innocently evil world of their own. It is only in exile that Tibetans have taken up the important work of recording and documenting the many facets of Tibetan civilisation, including the folk tales. Translated directly from oral narration into English by a Tibetan, the present edition of Tibetan Folk Tales will serve a very significant purpose of introducing the readers to the fascinating world of Tibetan folk culture.